Suggestion Box

If you would like to suggest a subject or pose a question, please leave a comment here.

2 Responses to Suggestion Box

  1. txjuju says:

    So, is this site still active or was it just a May-December thing? I’ve just found it and am bummed that it seems it may have flamed out prior to my discovery. Was it simply seven months worth of babblings of a heretic who has said all he needs to say? Or perhaps his family has had him committed. And how will I know if anyone is even left to read this? Will a response be sent to my email or must I check back here at intervals? And do I have the patience to do that?

  2. UncleJoe UncleJoe says:

    The intention is for this to be a discussion, not a lecture. Many of the ideas are about things that do not lend themselves to easy comprehension, so rather than say more right now, I am letting it stew. Besides, for several months the biggest thoughts are around politics, and I am not in a hurry to drag this site into partisan bickering. I would be more than happy to start a new discussion if there is one on your mind that is not already covered.

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