Category Archives: Belief Systems

On Cowardice, Terrorism, and America

Here at the Theological Heretics Institute for the Nurture of Knowledge, Enlightenment, Reconciliation and Salvation, we recognize that one of the greatest evils we face in this world is groupthink, also known as mob mentality, or in some contexts, tribalism. … Continue reading

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On Labels and Magic Words

I have a close relative who decades ago converted to Jehovah’s Witnesses. We had many discussions about religion, and being a convert, he was quite enthusiastic about all of the things he was learning to believe. In one of the … Continue reading

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On Right and Wrong

If you ask a pathological liar a question, what do you really know about the answer? It depends. Do you know this person is a pathological liar? Let’s say you do. Now what do you know about the answer? The … Continue reading

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What is Sin?

One of the challenges of any theology is to get a good handle on what constitutes “sin”.  We know that the way this question is often answered has to do with what scriptures say is a sin explicitly, or at … Continue reading

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Do You Do Voodoo?

One of the claims often made about a religious practice by those outside of the practice is that it is merely “superstition”.  With all apologies to practitioners of the so-named  religions of Haiti and Louisiana, the most common term in … Continue reading

Posted in Belief Systems | 2 Comments

Logical Argument and the “God Question”

I have been reading blog comments and watching YouTube videos in which apologists for Theism and Atheism abuse logic to try to answer a question that those of us who are competent at Logic find somewhat amusing, but as a … Continue reading

Posted in Belief Systems | 1 Comment

A Different Kind of Intelligent Design

I would like to open a discussion about a different kind of intelligent design than is usually discussed.  I don’t suggest that I have found answers, but I have stumbled across some questions that at least I find to be … Continue reading

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Doubt or Non-Belief?

I am often perplexed by the assumptions I come up against in conversations with evangelical atheists (those who seem to feel compelled to preach atheism and win converts to it). Among the assumptions is the opinion that if a belief … Continue reading

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Common Sense

On Language, Reason, and Honesty Ben Franklin is often quoted as having said “common sense is indeed uncommon.”  This statement strikes us as true in our experience, but in fact, it is only true if we allow that what we … Continue reading

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