Monthly Archives: September 2011

On Justice

No Justice, No Peace.  A favorite chant of all those who feel oppressed.  Justice is served.   We all want justice, but we do not all agree on what it is.  Justice is supposed to be blind.  Presumably this is to … Continue reading

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Prophecy, History and Self-Made Men

As often happens to me, I run into similar patterns in dissimilar areas that get me thinking.  The most recent round of these has to do with the way we develop confidence in what we believe, leading to a number … Continue reading

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What Do You Mean When You Say “Never Forget”?

On this anniversary of the September 11 attacks, we once again hear the phrase that was so often repeated ten years ago: “Never Forget!” I believe we owe it to those who died that day to remember who they were … Continue reading

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