Author Archives: UncleJoe


About UncleJoe

I'm a middle aged male who has attended a seminary as well as receiving a degree in philosophy from a secular university neither of which would particularly impress you if I said which. I have pondered and puzzled questions of faith and the lack thereof for many years. I don't not claim to be holy, or an expert on everything, simply observant and interested. I'll make bold statements about what I see as the way things are, and you don't have to take my word for it. Call me on it. I am here for the discussion.

On Fighting for Stupidity

You have seen it. A little kid makes up a story as to why he did something that clearly shows that the story had nothing to do with why he did it, but it sounded to him like it would … Continue reading

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On Family and Freedom

The Supreme Court has now heard arguments of two cases concerning same-sex marriage.  I have been listening and reading a lot of argument on the subject.  I have views as well, and those who have read some of my posts … Continue reading

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Third Rail

Third Rail Well, my friends, the Conclave is recently concluded as I muse here, and a “sequester” is in full swing here at home in the States.  I have not been posting thoughts for quite a while, and I think … Continue reading

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On Politics, Morality and Reason: A Dialogue

Theo: Hello, my good friend Philo. I came to call you to task on your reckless position on the laws that shape our society. I can scarcely believe that you would risk everything we value for the sake of dry … Continue reading

Posted in Society | 1 Comment

Listen with Love

Communication between individuals is always a partial success at best.  We never really know that our meaning was perfectly clear unless the subject is totally objective, such as a math formula, and no truly meaningful thing we want to say … Continue reading

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The Wussy Effect

The talk for today is about the effect of spineless behavior on the world around us.  This idea started to gel for me recently while I was attempting to play an online game.  With a little observation, you can tell … Continue reading

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What is Sin?

One of the challenges of any theology is to get a good handle on what constitutes “sin”.  We know that the way this question is often answered has to do with what scriptures say is a sin explicitly, or at … Continue reading

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On Justice

No Justice, No Peace.  A favorite chant of all those who feel oppressed.  Justice is served.   We all want justice, but we do not all agree on what it is.  Justice is supposed to be blind.  Presumably this is to … Continue reading

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Prophecy, History and Self-Made Men

As often happens to me, I run into similar patterns in dissimilar areas that get me thinking.  The most recent round of these has to do with the way we develop confidence in what we believe, leading to a number … Continue reading

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What Do You Mean When You Say “Never Forget”?

On this anniversary of the September 11 attacks, we once again hear the phrase that was so often repeated ten years ago: “Never Forget!” I believe we owe it to those who died that day to remember who they were … Continue reading

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